Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1599112
Transaction ID: 1599113
Date of transaction: 14.04.2023 12:33
Amount: 9.43 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.com
15.4.2023, 11:51
Saturday, April 15, 2023 10:43 AM - 0.59 USD: The amount of 0.59 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U13516239->U20871765. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.com.. Date: 10:43 15.04.23. Batch: 515641007.
15.4.2023, 17:54
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 515477162
Date: 04/14/2023 04:11
Batch: 515477162
From Account: U13516239
Amount: $2.50
Memo: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.com.
17.4.2023, 23:02
Monday, April 17, 2023 9:56 PM - 0.58 USD: The amount of 0.58 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U13516239->U20871765. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.com.. Date: 21:56 17.04.23. Batch: 516005064.
19.4.2023, 11:46
Wednesday, April 19, 2023 10:36 AM - 0.59 USD: The amount of 0.59 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U13516239->U20871765. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.com.. Date: 10:36 19.04.23. Batch: 516220629.
19.4.2023, 13:13
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 516032384
Date: 04/18/2023 04:13
Batch: 516032384
From Account: U13516239
Amount: $2.50
Memo: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.com.
20.4.2023, 12:27
Thursday, April 20, 2023 11:21 AM - 0.59 USD: The amount of 0.59 USD has been deposited to your account. Accounts: U13516239->U20871765. Memo: API Payment. Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.com.. Date: 11:21 20.04.23. Batch: 516380647.
21.4.2023, 13:02
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 516348902
Date: 04/20/2023 04:27
Batch: 516348902
From Account: U13516239
Amount: $2.50
Memo: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.com.
22.4.2023, 2:01
Not paying anymore.
Do not spend here.
Protect yourself staying away of this scam site!.
Проект больше не платит.
Не тратьте здесь деньги.
Админ не платит, не вкладывайте!
Transaction ID: 1637032
Date of transaction: 26.04.2023 12:51
Amount: 9.32 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
Transaction ID: 1654035
Date of transaction: 02.05.2023 11:47
Amount: 2.45 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
3.5.2023, 23:18
Wednesday, May 3, 2023 10:05 PM - 1.76 USD: Operation ID: 1658119
Operation Date: 03.05.2023 22:05
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.76 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
6.5.2023, 22:55
Saturday, May 6, 2023 9:34 PM - 1.19 USD: Operation ID: 1666229
Operation Date: 06.05.2023 21:34
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.19 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
7.5.2023, 11:41
Sunday, May 7, 2023 10:34 AM - 0.98 USD: Operation ID: 1667506
Operation Date: 07.05.2023 10:34
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 0.98 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
10.5.2023, 1:51
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1669676
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1669677
Date of transaction: 08.05.2023 04:55
Amount: 2.63 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
11.5.2023, 10:17
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1674770
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1674772
Date of transaction: 10.05.2023 03:34
Amount: 2.63 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
11.5.2023, 11:15
Thursday, May 11, 2023 10:10 AM - 7.87 USD: Operation ID: 1677428
Operation Date: 11.05.2023 10:10
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 7.87 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
13.5.2023, 11:10
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1679418
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1679422
Date of transaction: 12.05.2023 02:16
Amount: 2.63 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
13.5.2023, 18:10
Saturday, May 13, 2023 4:33 PM - 1.19 USD: Operation ID: 1682973
Operation Date: 13.05.2023 16:33
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.19 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1683901
Transaction ID: 1683902
Date of transaction: 14.05.2023 00:14
Amount: 18.75 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
17.5.2023, 8:07
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1689424
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1689425
Date of transaction: 16.05.2023 04:20
Amount: 2.63 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
17.5.2023, 10:00
Wednesday, May 17, 2023 8:38 AM - 1.18 USD: Operation ID: 1692058
Operation Date: 17.05.2023 08:38
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.18 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
19.5.2023, 11:45
Следующий платеж поступил вовремя, как обычно:
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1693975
Date of transaction: 18.05.2023 04:11
Amount: 2.57 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
20.5.2023, 9:33
Saturday, May 20, 2023 8:06 AM - 1.74 USD: Operation ID: 1698763
Operation Date: 20.05.2023 08:06
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.74 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1698710
Transaction ID: 1698714
Date of transaction: 20.05.2023 05:42
Amount: 14.26 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
23.5.2023, 11:04
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1702504
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1702505
Date of transaction: 22.05.2023 05:55
Amount: 2.48 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
23.5.2023, 19:24
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 5:59 PM - 1.16 USD: Operation ID: 1706547
Operation Date: 23.05.2023 17:59
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.16 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
23.5.2023, 23:52
Transaction ID: 1706982
Date of transaction: 23.05.2023 20:36
Amount: 1.15 USD
Note: Withdraw to IncredibleEarnings from GroupSolidPay.biz
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
25.5.2023, 9:57
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1707478
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1707479
Date of transaction: 24.05.2023 02:03
Amount: 2.48 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
25.5.2023, 19:57
Thursday, May 25, 2023 6:37 PM - 1.16 USD: Operation ID: 1711821
Operation Date: 25.05.2023 18:37
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.16 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1713355
Transaction ID: 1713356
Date of transaction: 26.05.2023 07:16
Amount: 4.3 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
27.5.2023, 18:08
Следующий платеж поступил вовремя, как обычно:
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1713142
Date of transaction: 26.05.2023 05:32
Amount: 2.48 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
29.5.2023, 23:18
Monday, May 29, 2023 9:58 PM - 1.19 USD: Operation ID: 1722669
Operation Date: 29.05.2023 21:58
Status: Completed
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Amount: 1.19 USD
Withdraw to InstantMonitorCom from GroupSolidPay.biz
1.6.2023, 4:31
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1726086
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1726087
Date of transaction: 31.05.2023 02:01
Amount: 2.56 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
2.6.2023, 21:44
Transaction ID: 1734476
Date of transaction: 02.06.2023 18:28
Amount: 1.18 USD
Note: Withdraw to IncredibleEarnings from GroupSolidPay.biz
ePayCore E028290
3.6.2023, 18:26
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1732209
Funds have been credited to your balance.
Transaction ID: 1732210
Date of transaction: 02.06.2023 02:05
Amount: 2.56 USD
Sender's account: ePayCore E028290
Note: Withdraw to List4Hyip_com from GroupSolidPay.biz
Withdrawal has been processed. Batch id: 1737493
Transaction ID: 1737495
Date of transaction: 04.06.2023 00:36
Amount: 25.77 USD
Note: Withdraw to naale from GroupSolidPay.biz
22.6.2023, 15:13
Not paying anymore.
Do not spend here.
Protect yourself staying away of this scam site!.
Проект больше не платит.
Не тратьте здесь деньги.
Админ не платит, не вкладывайте!
Please move to scam
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